MGKS is a third party administrator and has been providing full-service employer sponsored retirement plan administration and consulting since 1990.

We Are On A Mission to Make Businesses Better.

With thousands of clients residing in Arizona and hundreds of others scattered throughout the United States, we have figured out a thing or two about retirement solutions for businesses of any size. We have dedicated the past 30 years to helping business owners implement retirement plans that meet their objectives, control costs, and give employees a sense of security.

Our goal as a third party administrator is the take the confusion and frustration out of a retirement plan and to provide the consulting and technical expertise to empower you to make better decisions.

Our Community Matters

Being a Third Party Administration firm in Phoenix, Arizona has its benefits of course but our business would be nothing if we did not find ways to contribute to the community around us. Our goal is to share our success with our beloved state and we hope Arizona continues to flourish.

Scottsdale Walk to Defeat ALS

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